Frequently Asked Questions
Are training certificates completed with another organization valid for employees/volunteers at our church so they don’t have to re-take the training?
No – there are no exceptions. They will have to take the training again when starting their engagement with SECC.
What about those have already had a prior background check via Live Scan?
There is no exception under the statute for someone who had prior background check done, even if Live Scan. One cannot use the background check performed by another entity. You must rerun the search under our Live Scan account and ORI number.
Do only new employees and new volunteers need to undergo the fingerprinted Live Scan?
AB506 requires that all administrators, employees and regular volunteers shall undergo the Live Scan background check, regardless of when they undertook their respective role.
Do all volunteers, regardless of their interaction(s) with children, need to take the mandated reporter training?
No, AB506 only applies to “regular volunteers” (or Level 2 Volunteers). However, this is the bare minimum standard, which is different from best practice. A best practice should be for every volunteer.
What if someone refuses to get a Background Check?
You cannot continue to employ or engage the services of an individual who refuses to comply with the law.
Are Volunteers, Level 1 or Level 2, considered mandated reporters?
No, volunteers are not mandated reporters but are encouraged to obtain training in the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect and are further encouraged to report known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect.
Are volunteers of SECC required to complete training in child abuse and neglect identification and training in child abuse and neglect reporting?
All volunteers of a youth organization are required to complete training in child abuse and neglect identification and training in child abuse and neglect reporting. However, the training has different requirements depending on their role and hours working with children.
What criteria is used to determine what training a SECC volunteer receives?
There are two levels of SECC volunteers as outlined below:
Level 1 Volunteer: A Church volunteer with infrequent, minimal to no contact with children, i.e., will not work more than 16 hours in a month of 36 hours in a calendar year with children. Examples: Kitchen, or potluck helper, adult Sabbath School leader.
Level 2 Volunteer: A Church volunteer who works with children on a frequent, regular basis (i.e., more than 16 hours in a month, 36 hours in a calendar year, or any overnight outing with children). Examples: Pathfinder leader, regular Children’s Sabbath School teacher.
Are background checks required if a volunteer had a Live Scan background check through another youth organization this year, can we honor that search or will we need to run that check again through our Live Scan account and ORI number?
SECC will not honor a Live Scan background check completed through another employer. The Live Scan must be repeated and run using the SECC Live Scan account and ORI number listed on the Request for Live Scan Services form.