Automobile Claim Notice
In the event that a vehicle owned by, or rented on behalf of the Southeastern California Conference, or a conference institution such as a school or church should be damaged, or cause damage to another person's property, you must download and complete the Automobile Claim Notice.
The Liability form is used in the event that property damage occurs at an institution owned by Southeastern California Conference, but the property damaged is not owned by SECC or an SECC institution. Liability coverage is not all inclusive and may or may not cover your specific claim. Please follow the directions included with the document and submit it to the appropriate party. Contact Brian Schwab for any questions regarding Liability.
Medical Payment Claim Form
Should a person other than a conference employee be injured at an institution owned by the Southeastern California Conference, or sustain an injury during an institution sponsored activity, the Medical Payment Claim Form should be completed.
Property insurance covers damage to institutional property owned by the Southeastern California Conference. In the event that property damage has occurred, please print and complete the form, following the included directions.