How Do We Choose Recorder Articles?


1. Is it newsworthy? As the old saying goes, if a dog bites a man, it's not news. If a man bites a dog, it is! What aspect of your story is new? or significant? or interesting?


  • -A cooking school is probably not news for the Recorder--many Adventist churches conduct them. But suppose you conducted a cooking school for blind people? for children? for men? or for single people? What if you featured both vegan and vegetarian cooking? or included a variety of ethnic dishes? Such approaches would be new.
  • -A mission trip may not be news for the Recorder--many Adventist churches and schools conduct them. But suppose you have an entire Sabbath school class that makes the trip, or some complete families? Suppose the volunteers are nearly all women, or are mostly 60 years old or older? Or suppose the project has an unusual aspect--costly in terms of travel and supplies, very far away, primitive, or assists people who live in unbelievable poverty? Does the project benefit Muslims or Buddhists or other non-Christians? Were there unusual circumstances such as extremely good or bad weather, lost luggage, significant answers to prayer?
  • -An evangelistic meeting may not be news for the Recorder--many Adventist churches conduct them. Is this first evangelistic meeting conducted in many years? Is the response unusually good compared with previous attempts? Have some of those baptized done so despite very difficult obstacles? Have some of those baptized actually been attending church for many years and finally made a decision? Did some of those baptized learn about Adventists through the Internet or by hearing sermons on their iPods?

2. Is it timely? The more quickly you can report your story, the better. Because of printing schedules, stories normally are not published until eight or 10 weeks after they are edited. If you share information with us within two weeks or a month, it is quite timely. If three or four months have passed, the story will probably not be used.

3. Does it demonstrate diversity? We want to showcase the great diversity in SECC. We look for stories that feature women and men, a variety of age groups, culture and language specific groups, and the various geographical areas of our conference. We want to highlight both large and small churches and schools. Because this conference is large, we normally don't publish articles from the same church or school more than once a year, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

4. Is it innovative? Your unique approach to ministry may inspire others to try a similar ministry. How and when did the idea occur? What was involved in making the dream come true? What obstacles had to be overcome? Was it worth it? What are the results of this ministry?

5. Is it historical? Does the event reveal the longevity and positive influence of a church or school over time? If celebrating a particular anniversary, document key people, dates, and events in the past. What is the cumulative effect? How many students have graduated from the school in 100 years? How has the church persevered through difficult times? If it is a new or renovated building, how will it improve and expand ministry? Remember, history can be boring if it's just a recitation.

6. Is it interesting? Although an event may be recent, show the diversity of your school or church, or record a historical moment, it may be dull. What caught people's attention at this event? What made an impact? Was something appropriately humorous or exciting? Is there a tragedy, intriguing problem, or crisis to explain?

Why are some stories not used?

  • Similar stories from our conference may have been published recently or already are in the works.
  • Basic facts are sketchy. The story is unclear and disorganized.
  • Nothing appears to be new or newsworthy.
  • You cannot be contacted easily to provide more information.
  • It does not fit the mix of stories needed to show SECC's diversity.
  • The information is routine.
  • The writing lacks life.
  • Space is limited. (The conference has 36 pages for SECC news each year in the Recorder).
  • The photos supplied are poor quality.


11330 Pierce Street
Riverside, CA 92505


P.O. Box 79990
Riverside, CA 92513

Hours of Operation

Mon. 9 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Tues. - Thurs. 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
(951) 509-2200


11330 Pierce Street
Riverside, CA 92505

Hours of operation

Mon. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Tues. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(951) 509-2200


P.O. Box 79990
Riverside, CA 92513
© 2024 Southeastern California of Seventh-day Adventists. All rights reserved.

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